On January 24, 2024, the FLOW project convened an online meeting with its External Experts Advisory Board (EEAB) to discuss key developments, seek input, and plan future endeavours. The meeting was attended by esteemed experts in the field of wind energy, including Julie K. Lundquist, Neil Adams, Patrick Moriarty, Nicolai Gayle.
The agenda kicked off with a warm welcome and introduction by Stefan Ivanell, from Uppsala University, setting the stage for an engaging session. Then proceeded to present an update on the FLOW project, providing insights into ongoing activities and progress.
Discussions also delved into lidar measurements, validation data sources, and the implications of recent developments. The EEAB members emphasized the importance of collaboration and data sharing, highlighting the value of a common data hub for sibling projects.
Looking ahead, plans were made for future meetings, with the next gathering scheduled to coincide with Torque 2024, promising further opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange.
The FLOW project extends its gratitude to the EEAB members for their valuable contributions and looks forward to continued engagement and partnership in advancing wind energy research and innovation.
Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the #FLOWproject as we work towards a sustainable future powered by wind energy.